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Soil & Foliar Sprays

These are used when a deficiency has been identified by soil test or plant tissue test. Where trace minerals are needed they will generally be amended in split applications over a few years . Adding too much at a time can cause toxicity. Most of our mineral foliar sprays are chelated and organically protected for maximum availability.

Chelated Minerals

Boron 2%

Calcium & Boron 1%

Calcium Nitrate




Magnesium 5%

Magnesium 5% & Boron 1%

Magnesium 5% & Humate


Manganese & Copper

Manganese & Zinc

Potassium 3% & Boron 1%

Zinc 10%

Zinc 6% & Boron 1%

Manganese 5% with Magnesium 2% & Boron 1%

Moly 10g/L with Copper 5g/L

Nitrogen 26%

K Humate

Moly Concentrate 

Liquid Sulphur snt rapid uptake


Available in 5L/KG, 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG

WPC 15-5-5

WPC's 15-5-5 is an agricultural liquid product designed to provide balanced levels of the essential NPK and micro-nutrients that are required to be available to the growing plant. Ideal for the promotion of field crops, vegetables, fruits, turf, grazing pastures, flowers and nurseries


Available in 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG

WPC Gusto 10-2-7

WPC Gusto 10-2-7 is an Australian made agricultural product which has been specifically formulated to supply sufficient levels of essential macro and micro nutrients required for optimum growth of Field Crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Nurseries, Pasture and Turf.


WPC Gusto 10-2-7 nutrients are CHELATED (protected from becoming unavailable) in naturally occurring Lignin compounds, for maximum foliar and root adsorption unlike non- chelated products, therefore offering maximum foliar adsorption efficiencies and availability (85-95%).

In a comparison to similar liquid fertilizer products, WPC Gusto 10-2-7 has significantly higher TRACE ELEMENT concentrations.


Available in 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG

Fabulous Formula 335

It is commonly believed in agricultural circles that Calcium cannot be successfully applied as a foliar spray. Calcium is also described as an immobile element in plants.

With  a combination of 5 % Nitrogen, 16% Phosphorus, 4% Potassium and 5% Calcium and some very clever chemistry, Fabulous has just unravelled these supposed facts!

In every trial done to date it has consistently increased growth rates and raised Brix (sugar/mineral) levels in plants, varying from double to just 1 point on really healthy plants.


Application rates - foliar spray methods only

Apples, pears, melons and peaches - Up to 4 applications after fruit set. Apply 2Lt/ha with a minimum of 200Lt water/ha.


Tomatoes, strawberries & berries, cherries, peppers, potatoes - 2 to 4 applications after fruit set. Apply 3Lt/ha with a minimum of 200Lt water/ha.


Grapes - Up to 4 applications after fruit set.  Apply 2-3Lt/ha with a minimum of 200Lt water/ha.


Lucerne - 1 application at 5-10 cm tall at 3Lt/ha with a minimum of 200Lt water/ha.


Well balanced soil desirable but still yields good results in average soil.


Available in 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG

Trade Mark Fabulous 335.jpg
WPC Hay & Silage Booster

An Aged Pasture Revitaliser and Stubble Sweetener

Maximise stocking rates using WPC Hay & Silage Booster to improve the palatability of dry feed and stubble as it substantially increases all nutritional and energy components of dry and aged pasture and stubble. Trials indicate an additional 20% weight gain in cattle and sheep.


Application of 12.5 Lt/Ha minimum depending upon dry pasture density or 5 Litres per tonne of dry hay. 25Lt/ha for stubble application. Allow 12 hours before feeding.


Available in 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG


WPC NK Plus has a configuration of nitrogen compounds to guarantee maximum uptake of nitrogen, practically eliminating any loss. A full accompaniment of trace minerals keep balance in the product to safeguard maximum uptake and yields in all circumstances where nitrogen is deficient.

Contains Nitrogen, Potassium, Sulphur, Magnesium, Manganese, Boron, Copper, Zinc, Molybdenum, Cobalt and Selenium.

Apply at a rate of 12Lt/Ha minimum to 20Lt/Ha maximum with frequency of application 6 to 8 weeks or as recommended. Dilution rate 1 to 20 minimum.


Available in 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG

WPC NPK 10-10-10 + Trace Elements

WPC Three 10’s NPK 10.10.10 plus trace is an easily applied liquid, soil or foliar, providing a continuous supply of nutrients to support growing plants. Enhances a plants resistance to disease through sustaining a balanced nutrient uptake. WPC Three 10’s NPK 10.10.10 plus trace contains Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Molybdenum, and Boron.


Available in 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG

WPC Pasture Spray #6

WPC Pasture Spray #6 addresses your pastures history of Copper, Cobalt and Selenium deficiencies by providing increased levels of Copper, Cobalt and Selenium. With added Manganese, the viability and production of pastures are improved.

WPC Pasture Spray #6 contains: Cobalt, Selenium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Boron, Molybdenum and is a concentrated chelated blend of all these nutrients to ensure that the plant is allowed to grow at optimal rates and have maximum nutritional value.

ROTATIONAL GRAZING: Apply recommended application rate five to seven days prior to grazing. Ideally, sufficient areas should be sprayed to ensure three days continual grazing. Application rate: 12.5 Lt/Ha (5Lt/Ac).
SET GRAZING: Apply recommended application rates to 10% of the block size. If possible, apply 5 to 7 days prior to stock entering paddocks.


Available in 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG

WPC Quick Cal + Boron

Quick Cal is superior to any other foliar calcium sprays currently available because of the unique manufacturing process. Utilising high quality, low molecular weight organic compounds, leaf absorption rates as high as 85-95% with quick translocation (uptake and movement) within the plant. Boron is a vital constituent in the movement and translocation of calcium within a plant. Many Foliar Calcium Sprays do not contain Boron.

Boron and calcium are essential for cell wall stability and strength


Available in 20L/25KG, 200L, 1000L/KG

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